- Assault on the 105s! (new from Turgalium Games)
- Interview with Adam Blinkinsop
- Manila: The Savage Streets, 1945 Review
- Wargame Paper Catalogs
- Interview with Carl Paradis
- For the People Review
- Rebel Fury Review
- Diluvium – 4X Review
- Pushing Carboard, Episode 38 [podcast]
- Wolfpack (new from GMT Games)
- GRANT: The Western Campaign of 1862 (new from Compass Games)
- Model’s Counterattack (Dissimula Edizioni @ Kickstarter)
- After 50 Years, D&D Deserves Better
- Jackson at the Crossroads Review [video]
- USN Replay [video]
- Army Group Center Replay [video]
- Napoleon at Austerlitz Intro and Play Overview [video]
- Freedom in the Galaxy Review
- Iron Tide: Panzers in the Ardennes Replay
- Western Desert AAR