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Salerno '43

Weight:  3.0000
  • 1 22" x 25.5" game map
  • 1 Countersheet
  • 1 Rules Booklet
  • 2 Identical Player Aid cards: 8.5" x 11"
  • 1 Allied At Start and Reinforcement Schedule
  • 1 German At Start and Reinforcement Schedule
  • 1 6-sided die
DESIGNER Mark Simonitch
DEVELOPER Christian Diedler
RESEARCH Fred Thomas
MAP & COUNTER ART Mark Simonitch
PRODUCERS Gene Billingsley, Tony Curtis, Andy Lewis, Rodger MacGowan, Mark Simonitch


alerno ‘43 is a regiment/brigade-level game on the Allied invasion of mainland Italy in September 1943. Two British and two American divisions land in the Bay of Salerno defended by the full strength 16th Panzer Division, which is soon reinforced by five other German mechanized divisions. For 8 days the survival of the beachhead is in doubt, and emergency measures are taken to reinforce the beachhead with the 82nd Airborne Division. With their counter-attack stopped and the British Eighth Army approaching from the south, the Germans withdraw their left flank to avoid being trapped. However, their right flank stubbornly holds back the British from pushing north to Naples.


Counters and map are near final.


Salerno ’43 uses the exact same map, unit, and time scales as Normandy ’44, providing an excellent way to compare these two invasions. Salerno ’43 uses a modified Normandy '44 game system. With a smaller size, the game is easier to learn and play than its predecessor.


Salerno ’43 includes two scenarios: an 8-turn Invasion Scenario and a 24-turn Campaign Game. In the Campaign Game, the Allies must exit the north map edge by the end of September 1943. The Germans must delay the Allies to give time for the construction of the Gustav Line further north. The 8-turn scenario can be finished in an afternoon.

Plans are to make this the first in a 3-part series that takes the U.S. 5th Army to Cassino and Rome.


TIME SCALE: 1 day per turn
MAP SCALE: 3.8 km per hex
UNIT SCALE: Regiment, brigade, and battalion size units
FEATURES: Breakthrough Combat, Artillery Support, ZOC Bonds, and new rules for crossing and fighting across mountain hex sides.  


Vassal module image of the At Start positions 




Customer Reviews
# of Ratings: 1
1. on 4/17/2021, said:
Fab game again, as expected to be honest: this is the most consistent and high quality series in wargaming. Only negative is the box art on this and the Stalingrad '42 expansion - the cartoon artwork is not attractive. Please revert to previous look and feel.
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