- GMT Games Company Update
- Central America Replay
- Developer Notes: Evolving the Wing Leader System
- The Mighty Endeavor Play Overview [video]
- The Grunwald Swords (new from Hollandspiele)
- Planet Rush (Victory Point Games @ Kickstarter)
- The Last Hundred Yards Replay
- MBT Replay
- Heroes of Normandie iOS App Review
- Battles for the Galactic Empire Review
- Attack the ROK: non-Allied Strategy Considerations in Next War: Korea
- BAOR Replay
- Covert Review [video]
- Unconditional Surrender! Case Blue Game Play Intro [video]
- Elusive Victory: Learning the Game [video]
- Moscow ’41 Introduction [video]
- Labyrinth: The Awakening Play Tutorial [video]
- The Next War Replay
- Shadows in the Weald (new from Tiny Battle Publishing)
- Firefight App Review