- Hitler Turns East Review
- Operation Roundup: The Allies Invade France in 1943 Review
- Arctic Disaster: The Destruction of Convoy PQ-17 Review
- Operation Roundup: The Allies Invade France in 1943 Capsule Review
- Birth of a Legend: Lee and the Seven Days Play Session [video]
- ATO Magazine, Issue 55 : Lee’s Greatest Victory, Chancellorsville 1863 First Look [video]
- Beyond Waterloo, 2nd Edition First Look [video]
- Hunt for the Graf Spree Review
- Stalingrad on the Volga (ATO Magazine @ Kickstarter)
- Rome, Inc.: From Augustus to Diocletian Review
- ATO 2020 Annual: The Cruelest Month (new from LPS, Inc.)
Against the Odds Magazine is now shipping their latest XL sized "Annual," presents the 1917 Battle of Arras, which is better known to history as "Bloody April." With roots to designs like "Chennault's First Fight" and "Forlorn Hopes," designer Paul Rohrbaugh focuses on air operations but provides context with their impact on the ground war. The Cruelest Month will give you a full selection of aerial operations, including balloon busting, ground attack, bombing, and the all-important photo-recon and artillery observation missions, plus the fighter dogfights that center around protecting or stopping all the others. [Forum]
- ATO Magazine, Issue 58: Clash of Carriers (new from LPS, Inc.)
The Battle of Midway was fought between seven carriers. Compare this to the Battle of the Philippine Sea which featured a total of 24 carriers on both sides! It was simply the largest carrier battle of all time which will never be surpassed. Clash of Carriers, by designer Mark Stille, portrays this epic battle. [Forum]
- The Union Forever! First Look [video]
- Beyond Waterloo, 2nd Edition First Look [video]
- A Crowning Glory: Austerlitz 1805 Review
- The Battle of Stalingrad First Look [video]
- ATO Magazine, Issue 56: Hitler’s Stalingrad, Breslau 1945 (new from LPS)
The Perry Moore design looks hard at this defiant siege (the city held out AFTER Berlin fell!). With over 300 counters and a 22" x 34" map scaled at about 650 yards per hex, a game turn represents one week. The game captures the flavor of planned, grand assaults quickly degenerating into gritty, street-level fighting, with players alternating conducting operations during the turn. Skillfully positioned reserves and sharp counterattacks can blunt massive thrusts, but at possibly a too frightfully high rate of casualties. Folks are liking the large hex size too! [Forum]
- Fortress Berlin Review [video]
- Pushing Cardboard, Episode 6 [podcast]
- Lee’s Greatest Victory First Look [video]